26 Jan, 2018 | Uncategorized
Vacancies are available with the opportunity to complete an Apprenticeship with the following employer: Jeniosa, Rhos on Sea Jeniosa is a well-established Salon in the heart of Rhos on Sea. They have an excellent reputation in the local area. They have highly...
24 Nov, 2016 | Uncategorized
Fydd HAD yn y POD, Sgwar y Farchnad, Caergybi ar Ddydd Gwener 2il o Ragfyr 2016. Fydd hwn yn gyfle i chi ddod draw i gyfarfod ni ag i ofyn unrhyw gwestiynau ganddo’ch ynglŷn â Thwf Swyddi Cymru a sut gall y rhaglen helpu eich...
24 Nov, 2016 | Uncategorized
ADT will be at the POD, Market Square, Holyhead on Friday 2nd December 2016. This is your chance to drop in, meet us and ask any questions you may have about Jobs Growth Wales and how it can help your...
24 May, 2016 | Uncategorized
Gan Mark Church. Mae lawer o astudiaethau wedi darganfod fod un mewn deg o oedolion yng Nghymru gyda Llythrennedd o dan Level 1. Mae llawer yn teimlo fod yna stigma o amgylch y mater ac yn osgoi i siarad am dano. Mi nes i adael ysgol yn methu darllen nac ysgrifennu yn...
24 May, 2016 | Uncategorized
by Mark Church. Studies have found that as many as one in 10 adults in Wales have a literacy level below Level 1. Many still feel a sense of stigma around this issue and are reluctant to talk about it. I left school unable to read or write confidently, and have spent...
23 May, 2016 | Uncategorized
Simon Burrows was taken on as an apprentice with School Lane Pre-School, Llandudno in July 2014. Simon was at first a little unsure of how he would cope with the demands of completing a written qualification, as he his dyslexia. With the support and help of his QCF...