Level 4 Professional Practice in Children’s Care, Play, Learning & Development

Who is the qualification for?

This qualification aims to develop the knowledge, understanding, behaviours and skills that underpin Professional Practice within the children’s care, play, learning and development sector. This qualification is primarily for those working in regulated childcare settings with families and children under the age of 8 and NHS children’s services for those working with families and children 0-19.

This qualification has been developed in close collaboration with key sector stakeholders, including Social Care Wales and Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW).

This qualification is practice-based and assesses learners’ knowledge and practice. It is designed for learners in work-based learning, further education and higher education.

This qualification provides progression for learners who have completed the Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development (Practice) qualification.


What will the qualification cover?

This qualification will allow learners to develop the knowledge and skills required for professional practice within childcare or health settings.


Qualification structure

To achieve the Level 4 Professional Practice in Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development qualification, learners must achieve a minimum of 60 credits in total.

To achieve the qualification learners must take one of the following three pathways:

  • Working with families and carers to develop parenting skills
  • Working with children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
  • Recognising and supporting children with Additional Leaning Needs (ALN)


Candidates must successfully complete:

  • A portfolio of evidence
  • A project, that includes a series of written tasks, direct observation of practice and a professional discussion

The assessments have been designed for candidates to show their knowledge, understanding and skills of both the mandatory units and their chosen pathway content.

The assessments cover a range of written elements to reflect knowledge and understanding, as well as practice elements that include the direct observation of learner practice to confirm their competence in the practical skills required for their chosen pathway content.


What could the qualification lead to?

The qualification allows learners to progress within employment or further study at a higher level.

For more information on requirements to work within the Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development sector, including specific job roles, refer to the ‘Qualification framework for social care and regulated childcare in Wales’ which can be accessed on the Social Care Wales’ website.


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