Jobs Growth Wales
Planning on growing your business?
If you’ve been considering a new business opportunity, an expansion plan or diversification, then Jobs Growth Wales provides fresh energy for your ideas.
Take on an unemployed young person and we’ll help meet the cost for the first 6 months at the National Minimum Wage for their age.
The business benefits
- You’ll receive a contribution towards the wages of the young person you take on, paid by us, for six months.
- Your vacancy will be advertised to work ready, energetic, enthusiastic and committed young people.
- You’ll get free recruitment support.
- You’ll be providing a young person with a valuable opportunity to kick start their career.
What support will I get?
This must be a real job and not a six month work placement. We recognise that recruiting new staff demands time and commitment. You will be supported by a dedicated managing agent, allowing you to focus on getting the best out of your employee from day one.
To help with the recruitment process, we have contracted managing agents around Wales to work with you. They will provide free advice and support to source candidates that are right for your business.
To make the recruitment process even easier, we list all vacancies on the Jobs Growth Wales section of Work ready young people will then be able to apply online.
Your commitment
In return for contributing to the wages of your new employee, and helping to find the most suitable applicants, we require a few guarantees from you.
- The young person must be employed for between 25 and 40 hours a week and contracted for a minimum of six months.
- All jobs created must be additional to your existing workforce need. You cannot fill a position that has already been advertised, or create a job to cover sickness or maternity leave.
- All jobs created should be sustainable and you should be committed to retaining your employee beyond the six month period.
Don’t forget, if they’ve impressed you enough to earn a full-time job, imagine what they can achieve for your business with further training and skills support e.g. an apprenticeship.
Is my business eligible for support?
Eligibility criteria will apply but the employer must have traded for at least six months in the private or third sector or be based in Wales.
Check your eligibility today by contacting the Skills Gateway for Business on 03000 6 03000 or express your interest at
The Jobs Growth Wales programme, led by the Welsh Government, is supported by the European Social Fund.
Manon Parry Tel: 01286 677275 Email: