Facilities Management
Facilities management consists of a variety of basic skills, such as ensuring the safety, security, and maintenance and building services of the facility.
There are currently over 4,000 jobs available in Facilities Management in the UK and is a growing industry. By undertaking Facilities Management qualifications at the appropriate level a learner will develop the skill to effectively manage facilities in a variety of ways.
Why Facilities Management?
- There are numerous opportunities available within the sector
- The skills learned are transferable to other occupational areas and the prospects for promotion are excellent
- The qualifications achieved are recognised by employers and will be a real advantage when you are thinking of promotion or applying for a job
The Apprenticeship Framework
The Apprenticeship Framework consists of a suite of qualifications, a competency based qualification, a knowledge based qualification, essential skills and employee rights & responsibilities.
The time taken to complete the apprenticeship framework differs for each individual but you should expect to complete within 11 to 18 months. An Individual Learning Plan is agreed and put together, personalised for your learning.
Dependent on your current job role and prior learning, learning can be undertaken at one of the following levels. Once complete you may have the opportunity to progress to the next level.
- Level 2 – Foundation Apprenticeship
- Level 3 – Apprenticeship
The Next Step
Contact one of our qualified Training Coordinators who will be able to help you decide which level is suitable for you.